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Contact Magpie

If you prefer not to leave a comment as a form of contact, that's just fine. I welcome all comments, suggestions, questions, and topic ideas. Here are a few different contact options.

You could always send me an email to, but please don't include any clickable links, it may be filtered off to the spam folder. After your initial contact with me, I can add you to my contacts and you can inform me of any links you would like to share.

I also use Twitter, mainly for sharing new posts, but you're welcome to follow me there. I'll be sure and follow back. Just click here.

You could also look for me on Facebook. I do share blog posts there, but it's my personal profile and mostly just for everyday use and keeping in contact with friends, family, and meeting new like-minded people. Click here to send a friend request if you'd like, or you could just click to follow.

You can also click here to find me on Pinterest.